Keith Thompson, Organist and Recording Artist
Keith Thompson is one of the few organists who can draw the listener in to the musical thrill of all the organ has to offer.

ECHOESOFHEAVEN.COM is a boutique website producing and marketing the compact discs of Keith Thompson, Organist. Keith may be heard playing the Skinner Organ at the Legion of Honor in Golden Gate Park, San Francisco on a monthly basis.
The CDs, A King's Christmas, Organ Fireworks, and HymnProvisations, may be purchased online through by clicking icons above. Digital downloads are also available there as well as iTunes among others.
Reviews From a Summer series at Grace Cathedral:
"Brrrravo! Not since G. Donald Harrison himself have the registrations of the [Grace Cathedral Organ] sounded so good. Your registrations really brought out some excitement And, yes, I did notice that you were flying without a net on the Vierne (or, in this case, without music). Way to go! In appreciation," - D.R., a parishoner June 2004
"The organ music was again spectacular the last two weeks. ... I can't say enough about the way your playing moves the soul." B.R. an organ curator listening to the service netcast. June 2004.
"Thank you [Grace Cathedral Staff] for the fantastic recital Sunday with Keith Thompson. It was the best recital I have heard at your church." Douglas R. Sep. 2004.
SFAGO newsletter: "In the aftermath of [a cancellation] the San Francisco chapter was very fortunate to have an organist in our own ranks capable of stepping up to the plate and delivering on three day's notice. And deliver in style, he did. Keith Thompson played a stunning recital on the 1998 Austin / Murray Harris / Erben organ of St. Mary's College Chapel in Moraga."